(515) 961-5202

2007 North 6th St., Indianola, IA 50125

Winter Safety Tips

Winter is officially upon us and we at Drees Family and Sports Chiropractic would like to ecourage you to be when playing or working in the ice and snow. Up with a few pointers to you injury free during this wonderful season.


While shoveling can be good exercise, it can also lead to painful low back injury. Remember to take it easy.

* Snow shoveling is a weight-lifting exercise that raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Warm up before starting the job and stretch both before and after shoveling.

* If possible, shovel only fresh snow – it is easier to shovel than wet, packed-down snow.

* Push the snow forward rather than lifting it out of the way; pick up only small amounts when needed. Your back will thank you.

* As with any lifting activity, use your legs, not your back. Legs should be bent and back straight. Bend and “sit” in to the movement, allowing large muscle groups to do most of the work.

* Never work to the point of exhaustion. Take frequent breaks. If your chest feels tight, stop immediately.


It’s not a good idea to just bolt on to the ice or snow and start playing. You shouldn’t even start stretching until you’re a little warmed up. So take a light jog to get loosened up and ready to play.

Doing some stretching also can get you prepared to hit the ice and snow. By warming up, you get yourself ready to play. Warming up your muscles and practicing a sport help keep you safe, too. Warm-ups that last 15 to 30 minutes and include slow, gradual stretching help lengthen your muscles and increase your blood flow and muscle temperature. That way, your muscles are ready to go and are much less likely to get hurt.

If you love sports, it’s tempting to get right back in the game, even after an injury. But playing when you’re hurt – or before an injury has had a chance to fully heal – is a bad idea. It can lead to an even worse injury, one that might sideline you for a long time. Be honest with parents and coaches if you’ve been hurt. See a doctor for your injuries, when necessary, and follow his or her advice about how and when to return to practice and play.

Naturally, in the event of injury, chiropractic care, acupuncture and/or massage can greatly decrease healing time and time spent on the sidelines. Give Drees Family and Sports Chiropractic a call to schedule your appointment. Most insurances are accepted.